25 (D-106) U.S Route 66 (“Main Street of America” or “The Mother Road”) was a highway in the US Highway System, opened on November 11th, 1926. It went from Chicago to Los Angeles. The poor migrants took this road in the 1930s to go to the west to find work (John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath). US 66 was officially removed from the United States Highway System on June 27th, 1985 after it was decided that the route was no longer relevant. It was replaced by the Interstate Highway System, but Route 66 is now a historic route.
Click: Route 66 overlaid on Google Maps
Theme song from Route 66 by Nelson Riddle. Route 66 is an old television series.
I found a video clip from Route 66. It's more than 9 minutes long, but try to understand a little. 1) An old man in the beginning of the clip is very happy. Why? 2) A woman flirts with the two men in the bar and then 3) she takes one of the men to see the Grand Canyon.
Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnhuLtl_B74
highway (Am) = motorway (Br)
wrath = anger (noun); you are very angry (adjective)
relevant = satisfactory; sufficient; acceptable
theme song = the music at the beginning of a film or a television show
television series = "feuilleton"
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