46 (D-85) More information about Utah: There are five National Parks: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park.
We will travel north from Mexican Hat to Moab on the seventh day of our trip, stopping first at Dead Horse Point, 262 kilometers from Mexican Hat.**
Dead Horse Point State Park is a Utah State Park adjacent to Canyonlands National Park.

Dead Horse Point looks out over the Colorado River. The park has this name because it was used as a natural corral by cowboys in the 19th century. The plateau is surrounded by sheer cliffs two thousand feet high (600 meters), with only a narrow neck of land (30 yards wide -- 27 meters) connecting the mesa to the main plateau. So, it was easy for cowboys to simply build a fence here, and keep rounded-up wild horses from running away. Legend tells us that one group of horses was inadvertently left fenced in and eventually died of thirst. The area was also used in the final scene of the 1991 film Thelma & Louise.
--sheer cliffs = "falaises à pic"
--mesa = An area of high land with a flat top and two or more steep, clifflike sides. Mesas are larger than buttes and smaller than plateaus, and are common in the southwest United States.
--fence = "clôture"
--"and keep rounded-up wild horses from running away" = "empêcher de fuir des chevaux sauvages rassemblés"
--"inadvertantly left fenced in" = "laissé enfermés par mégarde"
--eventually =CAREFUL! It's a FALSE FRIEND! = "Ils ont fini par mourir de soif."
--thirst =the need for something to drink
**BTW (By The Way = "au fait") why is Mexican Hat called Mexican Hat???
"BTW" is internet slang.
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